Browsing: Built-in Tools

This tutorial will teach us how to use color scale in Google Sheets. The purpose of the color scale is to present your data with a set of colors. For example, if your data consists of numbers from 1 to 5, you can add a color scale to divide it into three groups. Three belong to the mid group, 1-2 to the lowest group, and 4-5 to the maximum group. As a result, the colors will be the lightest for maximum values, the darkest for minimum values, and the average color for mid values.

Hey. We’ll cover how to password protect a Google sheet in this section. All of us use sheets, and some of us are already aware that Google Sheets does not have a direct built-in feature for protecting a sheet upon opening. You can lock cells, ranges, and sheets, but we are at a loss for how to password-protect an entire file upon opening, so we turn to some helpful workarounds and tricks.

We’ll learn how to lock cells in Google Sheets in this article. Google Sheets, on the other hand, has a ton of exciting features that are helpful in many ways when it comes to customizing and sharing your report to facilitate collaboration with your client team.  The ease of collaboration is one of the best features of Google Sheets. However, there are other considerations that must be made when sharing. For example, we cannot share a specific section of the sheets. However, if you have sensitive information or a complicated calculation that you don’t want anyone else to change unintentionally, you can use the lock cells function in Google Sheets.

Hi. Today, We will talk about what a people chip in Google Sheets. What is news that should surprise you about Google Sheets, a web-based collaborative program? In Google Sheets, what does a People chip mean? A smart chip called a “People chip” in Google Sheets lets you label or assign any pertinent users to cells in your spreadsheet.